Tag Archive | organisation

The Importance For Authors of Keeping a List

The habit of maintaining a list of items to be addressed is something which I feel has helped me tremendously in keeping, and staying, organized in my writing. As there are always many things to do in our writing endeavors, such as ideas for new stories, posts for blogs, interviews with authors, to name but a few examples, it is good to be able to keep a record of future ideas, and tasks, someplace which we can refer back to at any time.

The Importance for Authors of Keeping a List

In my case, I have a little notepad near my computer on which I have a numbered list of things which I wish to do over time, and which I consequently mark off once I have completed. Once the majority of the items have been addressed, I dispose of this page, and complete a fresh page of tasks. Each writer works differently, and other people may, for example, employ the use of an Excel spreadsheet, or some other such method – whatever works for each writer in their individual way.

I have found that without this, I am a little, as the saying goes, ‘out at sea’, as I may miss out on doing things which might be important in the overall scheme of things at some stage. And now, as I have provided my thoughts on this subject, the discussion is over to you, for your opinion, on the importance of keeping a list for authors.