Guest Post: author S. Evan Townsend @SEvanTownsend writes about why he loves books

In today’s guest post, the first for 2020, I warmly welcome author S. Evan Townsend to Marcia’s Book Talk. The author of ten fantasy and science fiction novels, S. Evan will be elaborating upon why he not only loves reading books but also, owning them, and many other pertinent points. With no further ado, let us allow S. Evan to tell us why he enjoys books so much…

S. Evan Townsend, author photograph


Why I Love Books

by S. Evan Townsend

I love books.


Not just reading them and owning them, but I love books like I love liberty and justice. The invention of the book was one of the mankind’s greatest achievements and I think there can be a direct connection between the Gutenberg press and the freedoms we all enjoy today. Books did two things: they made memory permanent and information democratic. You could find a book and learn. You didn’t have to find an old person whose memory might be faulty. And it made knowledge democratic, not the sole domain of the cabal of the lucky few (call them the knowledge 1%) who could afford hand-written manuscripts. Books became cheap and plentiful thanks to Gutenberg. And people became knowledgeable. It broke the back of feudalism and the Catholic Church’s monopoly on God, both of which ended the dark ages and led to the Renaissance. This led to the Enlightenment and finally to the liberties those of us in the West enjoy. It is telling that one of the first thing tyrants want to control is books. So, I love books. You could say I’m intoxicated by them.


(An aside: I also love books as in holding, reading, smelling, and devouring their contents. And I love seeing my name on them. This is partially why I’ve resisted going to eBooks. That and most of the books I read aren’t available as eBooks, so far.)

HAMMER OF THOR by S. Evan Townsend

Now we have the Internet, which has taken the democratization of information a step further. Open your laptop or your smart phone and you can find information on just about anything.  The wonderful thing about the internet is that almost anyone can put almost anything on it without the government’s, the editors’ of the New York Times and the Washington Post, or Jeffrey Zucker’s approval. The horrible thing about the internet is that almost anyone can put almost anything on it regardless of taste, common sense, or anyone’s community standards.  And accuracy.

FORCES by S. Evan Townsend

Now books are going electronic. This is great. I only have one problem with this: permanence. Bits on a hard drive or flash memory are remarkably vulnerable to data loss and require all sorts of infrastructure to power them (to charge your iPhone battery there is a multi-billion-dollar power plant and transmission system that we all take for granted). If a civilization-killing comet hits our planet, the survivors will be looking for paper books, not electronics they can’t run. The other problem with digital media (which is being solved, it seems), is that I have lots of 5 ¼ inch “mini” floppy discs that have who-knows-what on them because I have nothing to read them. Will current technology be readable in the future when your computer interface is a contact lens you wear?


So, we still need paper books to keep memory permanent. And we can use the Internet and electronic devices to spread the data around as quickly and efficiently as possible.

AGENT OF ARTIFICE by S. Evan Townsend


S. Evan Townsend links

S. Evan’s website

S. Evan on Twitter

S. Evan on Goodreads

S. Evan on Facebook

S. Evan’s Amazon US page

Merry Christmas

Wishing everyone and their families a very Merry Christmas, looking forward to a bright and happy New Year, and new decade, for 2020.


Christmas scene

Image credit: rollover at

New Release: DREAM STATE is now available to readers

DREAM STATE by Marcia Carrington

I am very happy to announce that my science fiction novelette, and second story for 2019, DREAM STATE, is now available to readers.

It can be found on the following websites:





and on your country’s AMAZON website worldwide (except CHINA)

New Release: THE FUNERAL is now available

THE FUNERAL by Marcia Carrington

I am very happy to announce that my short story romance THE FUNERAL is now available to readers.

It can be found on the following websites:





and on your country’s AMAZON website worldwide (except CHINA)

All of my ebooks are now #FREE for a limited time on Smashwords, Nook, and I-Tunes

For a limited time, download every single one of my released books for FREE on Smashwords, Barnes and Noble Nook, and I-Tunes.

Press on the Smashwords, Nook, and I-Tunes symbols below to be directed to my author page on their respective websites:




Select from romance, comedy, paranormal, crime, suspense, and mystery genres…there is something for everyone. Sweet romances, Christmas romances, YA and NA, adult fiction, thrillers and women’s fiction…take your pick, and happy reading.







New books for 2019 and, Two Cover Reveals

I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and are enjoying the Holiday Season with their loved ones.

In this blog post I am offering cover reveals of my new books for 2019.

Short story romance THE FUNERAL will be released on 5th September 2019, and science fiction novelette DREAM STATE will arrive on screens on December 5, 2019.

The synopsis for each book is underneath its respective cover.

Wishing everyone a happy New Year for 2019, with peace, health and safety paramount.


THE FUNERAL by Marcia Carrington


Janice Althorpe is mourning the death of her employer, and fiance, publishing magnate Charles Fallmont. Today she is at Charles’ funeral, sitting alone, watching the proceedings from afar in the church. While Charles’ daughter Maureen welcomes Janice’s presence at the funeral, son Jackson resents Janice, seeing her as a gold digging opportunist who used his father. Janice faithfully attends the funeral until the casket is placed in the hearse, but an unexpected interruption urges Janice to leave the ceremony, in the process possibly placing her life in peril…


DREAM STATE by Marcia Carrington


After losing his job, David Calloway has been seeing nightmares of the murder of a young girl, these intensifying recently after his girlfriend left him. David believes he may have committed the crime as a youngster, but the fuzzy nature of his dreams is not providing him with a determinate answer. After several unsuccessful attempts to control his dreams with medication, David’s specialist, Dr Albert Garland, suggests he attend the Dream State clinic, headed by Dr Anna Frankel, who specializes in music therapy to assist patients with their emotional problems. With great hesitation David undergoes the therapy, as he wants to know if he indeed committed a heinous crime, and get to the bottom of this quandary once and for all. Will David’s time at the Dream State clinic solve his problem, or make matters even worse than they already are?


New Release: GRAYSON’S DILEMMA is now available

I am very happy to announce that my romance novella GRAYSON’S DILEMMA is now available to readers.

It can be found on the following websites:





and on your country’s AMAZON website worldwide (except CHINA)

New Release: FATEFUL DREAMS is now available


My paranormal short story FATEFUL DREAMS is now available to readers.

It can be found on the following websites:





and on AMAZON websites worldwide (except CHINA)

Interview with author Karen Oberlaender

I have the great pleasure today of interviewing Karen Oberlaender, author of the short story collection, IN A SMALL COMPASS, and flash fiction series NEIGHBORS, on Marcia’s Book Talk.

Karen Oberlaender, author photograph

Welcome, Karen, it is lovely to have you here!

Thank you very much, Marcia, it is a pleasure to be here.


Q: For how long have you been writing?

A: I started writing ‘songs’ for myself when I was about elevenish. Throughout school I did not write much as we were forced to write what the ministry of education deemed necessary. At university, things changed; the topics were more interesting, and regained my love for writing. I kept writing non-fiction texts until I started my first blog, “My train of thoughts on…”, in December 2012. It took me until April 2013 to gather the courage to hit the publish button for my first short story, “Nightmare,” on my second blog, “In a Small Compass”. Let us say I have been writing – with interruptions – for a little more than 40 years.


Q: Have any life experiences inspired you to write your books?

A: Life per se is very inspiring, however not always in a pleasant way. Every story comprises bits and pieces of situations I have been in, of characteristics of the people I have met, personal insights, favourite places, and hobbies.


Q: Each writer works in different ways with reference to writing. Do you have a writing program/schedule that works for you?

A: As I have a full-time job, opportunities for writing are rare, yet very precious. Writing is mostly limited to a few hours on Saturdays or Sundays; inspiration during my non-writing life is jotted in my little black book or my smartphone for later use.


Q: Do you have any favorite book genres which you love to read?

A: I love mysteries, urban fantasy, paranormal stories, and many more.


Q: Are there any favorite books and authors who have been influential upon you and your writing?

A: I love the Odd Thomas series by Dean Koontz.. There is another author who has found his voice, writes in different genres, has unusual ideas he puts into unforgettable stories, who has inspired me even more: C. S. Boyack. He created one very special character, Lisa Burton. You can consider me her greatest fan, and – this incredibly kind author allowed me to integrate Lisa in “Neighbors!” He has a tiny guest appearance, and Lisa helps to solve the mysterious case.


Q: IN A SMALL COMPASS was a compelling, thought-provoking collection of short stories dealing with themes such as the paranormal and telepathy in a stimulating, enjoyable manner. What led you to write these stories, and do they reflect an interest in these subjects?

IN A SMALL COMPASS by Karen Oberlaender

A: I wrote each story for different reasons, sometimes there are dream fragments, sometimes I was inspired while travelling, in museums. These stories have one thing in common: to help those in need. Each day, innumerable things happen, often they cannot really be explained; there can be noises, scents, etc. So, yes – to a certain degree I am actually interested.


Q: Amongst your stories, is there one which is closest to your heart, and why?

A: All these stories are very dear to me. Within this first volume, I have to name two of them. One is “Laura non c’è”: I dreamt of a young Italian woman who took her life in her own hands after an unfortunate relationship. She travels to Munich and meets Laura, a British student. “Laura non c’è” is a song by Nek; the title means “Laura is not here”. This song obviously made a great title for this story.

The second story is “Directions”. I dreamt of the black car and the voice asking for directions in Skerries. As Skerries is like home for us, I opted once again for a paranormal helping hand.


Q: You have just published a flash fiction series entitled NEIGHBORS! featured on your website in book form. Did you intend to compile these segments into a single book, and when did you decide to turn the story into a book?

NEIGHBORS! by Karen Oberlaender

A: It is due to one of my readers’ comments that Neighbors! was born. In 2014, participated in the Flash Fiction Friday challenge. One Friday, we were challenged to write a story of 150+/- 10 words, a photo of mailboxes, and to include an unpaid bill. I really liked the story I came up with, published it on my blog and – received this feedback: “I liked the message stuck on the cactus. Trouble is, I want to know more.” I felt the same. As I wanted to keep the concept of flash fiction and a certain number of words, I did not plan anything. In episode 61, I realised that this meant the end. My daughter did no longer accept excuses for not publishing my stories, and I started researching ways to publish.


Q: You are currently writing a flash fiction series entitled OH! MY! DOG! on your website. Will you one day be compiling these segments into a single book, or would like to continue this on a serialized basis?

A: This flash fiction series will also become a book one day. This series originated in a dream – I saw a young man reading a newspaper on his tablet, and a black labrador retriever who showed him something by laying his paw on the young man’s knee. I do not know yet, how many episodes will be there, just that every episode will consist of 200+/-10 words.


Q: Are there any genres you would like to write in?

A: I would like to write suspense with a touch of other genres; currently it is rather contemporary with a touch of suspense and other genres.


Q: Do you have any favorite TV shows, either from the past, or currently on the air?

A: There are some I really enjoy: The IT Crowd, The Big Bang Theory, Scott & Bailey, Bob Ross – The Joy of Painting, and a lot more.


Q: Are there any hobbies or pastimes you like to participate in when you have spare time?

A: Reading time – even if scarce – is always planned into my schedule. Then there are topics like linguistics, research, humanity, animal protection. My husband and I love travelling, going to the cinema, watching the local sports teams (except football (=soccer)).


Q: Are you left-handed, or right-handed? Being a left-hander, it is interesting to see how many writers are either one or the other, or ambidextrous.

A: I am right-handed, whereas my daughter is left-handed.


Q: Do you have any other writing projects, or new/upcoming releases, that you would like to mention to readers?

A: I am always collecting bits and pieces of inspiration, so there are more stories on the way. Around November/December, I am going to publish IN A SMALL COMPASS, VOL. 2.


I am certain you will join me in thanking Karen for her time, and that we look forward to reading more of her works in the future. If you wish to contact Karen she is available on:



*Smashwords page

*Karen’s website

*Karen’s blog

Further Links:

+In a Small Compass, Vol. 1 can also be accessed on books2read

+Neighbors! can also be accessed on books2read
